Nokia 770 Internet Tablet features at a glance:
Buy the Nokia 770 Internet Tablet
Nokia 770 Internet Tablet Features
Your Move
Go ahead – move the Web! With the Nokia 770 Internet Tablet you can browse your favourite sites and catch up on your email – from right where you are. Whether you're relaxing on the sofa or enjoying the moment at your favourite cafĂ©, if you have broadband access over WI-FI the Nokia 770 Internet Tablet gives you instant wireless access to the Web.
You can also stream files, tune in to Internet radio, News Reader, or play your favourite videos and music.
The Nokia 770 Internet Tablet is easy to use, and easy on your eyes too, with a truly portable design, fashionably discrete brushed metal cover, and an ultra sharp widescreen display that's optimized for viewing online content.
The Nokia 770 features a 800x480 pixel touchscreen in 65,000 colours, WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity and expandable memory using RS-MMC cards.
The Nokia 770 is not a Symbian device like its predesessors such as the 7710. Instead it runs on Linux Operating System, running a development platform called Maemo.
"The Nokia 770 Internet Tablet's software is upgradeable and currently runs on the Linux-based Internet Tablet 2005 software edition. There is a planned launch next year of an operating system upgrade – the Internet Tablet 2006 software addition – that will support additional services, including Internet telephony (VoIP) and Instant Messaging."

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